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Contact person: BodyGarage Gym
+9611200090 +9611200090 [email protected]
Service category: Sports & Fitness


It is our mission to help you achieve your potential through fitness. Know Your Own Strength

Our mission is to provide an Entertaining, Educational, Friendly, Functional and Innovative experience of uncompromising quality that meets the health and fitness needs

• Metamorphosis : Full body workout that will completely transform your body by giving you lean muscles and a wonderful feminine shape.

• Tae-Bo : A unique and challenging fitness system based on martial arts and aerobics created by Billy Blanks in 1975. It is mainly a combination of Tae Kwon Do and Boxing put together in a challenging program set to hip hop music.

• Steel Butt: Workout that targets the lower body specially the butt and the glutes. Its reps tightens the muscle to give you the toned and muscular legs and behind you want.

• Boot Camp : A combination of strength, cardio, muscle endurance and functional movement patterns. It is an interval training with little rest between exercises.

• Tabata or 20/10: A high-intensity workout protocol with fitness and weight-loss benefits. It is like a circuit training and Crossfit: a combination of both. Tabata offers the maximum benefit with the least amount of time to get the results.

• Metcon 3 : A workout that turns the body into a “ fat incinerator”. It is based on metabolic conditioning: a type of interval training designed to improve the storage and delivery of energy by engaging the body’s metabolic systems.

• Hard Core / Core: An intense workout to tighten and tone your midsection in the shortest amount of time possible. The class utilizes your body weight, free weight … to challenge your balance, coordination and improve your functional strength.

• Pilates : A system of controlled exercises that engages the mind and conditions the total body. The blend of strength and flexibility improves posture, reduces stress and creates long and lean muscles without bulking up.

• Zumba: Interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fast.

• Body Attack : A high-energy fitness class with moves that carter for total beginners to total addicts. It combines athletics movements like running, lunging and jumping with strength exercises such as push-ups and squats.

• Fit Ride/Fit Band : An indoor cycling done with weights / bands that mixes a variety of tempos and drills over 45 min of music. This class emphasizes cycling drills, training and technique.

• Vinyasa Yoga : A flowing style of yoga that deeply integrates breath and movement, awareness and alignment, as well as stability and flexibility.

• Boxing: With gloves and mitts you will be ready to feel the burn in this high intensity class. The instructor will lead you through a professional boxer workout with extreme fitness drills (cardio, kicks and punches…)

• Stretching : A workout that gives your muscle the ability to lengthen, expand and restore after exercise.

• Interval : An intense periods of work with short recovery
segments, it helps you give maximum intensity while maintaining
your exercise form.

• Can’t walk: It is mainly a Legs/ Glutes workout. The glutes are your body’s largest and most powerful muscle group. They contract to move your hips in every direction, powering you up, down, forward, backward and side-to-side. Since they’re big, working them out can increase your metabolic rate.

• 30/60/90: It is a high intensity interval workout that combines cardio,
Strength training, plyometrics, and static holds, very challenging.

• WOD: Group of exercises done with weights and some cardio.

• Pole: is an extension of pole dancing that uses the pole to its maximum potential as a versatile piece of fitness equipment. It works the whole body, improving muscle tone, flexibility, coordination, posture as well as upper body and core strength.

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Contact person: BodyGarage Gym
+9611200090 +9611200090 [email protected]
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